As I mentioned Reuters, The first sealed tree that will be used to rebuild the tower is a 230-year-old oak from the Pierce Royal Forest. All oak trees will be over a hundred years old.

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France. Begin cutting the oaks needed to rebuild Notre Dame

The final steps are to fulfill President Emmanuel Macron’s promise last year to rebuild the 96-meter-high tower as originally designed by Eugene Violet-le-Duc in the 19th century. The trees will also be used to rebuild the pavilion of Notre Dame Cathedral.

The trees to be taken from Berce Forest near Le Mans were picked at the beginning of the year and must be cut down by the end of March before sap rises and the wood contains a lot of moisture. The next step will be aging for 12 to 18 months until the humidity is below 30 percent.

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The wood from Berce Forest is famous for its quality. The value of each of the acorns is approximately 15,000. euro. In the past, wood called Jupilles, used by the French Navy, would be delivered from here.

France. Reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral. 2,000 acorns will be cut

Despite protests from environmentalists, nearly 2,000 trees, or 0.1 percent, will be cut down to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral. France’s position. About 1,000 trees are needed to rebuild the tower. In the second half of this year. A similar number would be cut from oak, which would be used to reconstruct the building’s thirteenth century elements.

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According to the plans for reconstruction, they will come from all regions of France, thanks to which the reconstruction will be symbolic. It is scheduled for completion in 2024.