As the total number of Covid-19 deaths worldwide Approach a dark milestone of a millionMainland China reported 15 new cases on Saturday, all of them imported infections related to travelers.
India recorded 88,600 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday, bringing the country’s official toll to just under 6 million (5992532), according to the country’s official figures. The number of deaths increased by 1124 to 94,503.

Spanish government and authorities in Madrid Trapped in trouble On how to tackle the second wave of Covid-19 in and around the capital, with more than a third of Spain’s 7,16,481 cases diagnosed.
As the number of infections continues to rise in Spain – by far the hardest-hit country in Western Europe – Madrid is at the center of a medical, political and economic dispute.
The conservative regional government has put 45 districts in a partial lockdown affecting just over a million people in Madrid, but has rejected calls from Spain’s Socialist-led coalition government to place the entire capital in limited custody.

New restrictions were imposed in new areas of Wales By delegated administration, the broader focus in the UK has been on thousands of students isolated by themselves in halls of residence in cities such as Glasgow and Manchester.
A cabinet minister said university students should be able to go home to their families on Christmas if the country “gets united” and abides by the new coronavirus rules.

The British government faces unprecedented challenges In his handling of the epidemic, both from within the ranks of the ruling party but also from the opposition and street protests.
The opposition Labor Party confirmed that it is likely to support the Conservative Party amendment, which requires ministers to seek parliamentary approval for new lockdown restrictions, and to form a government to face a possible parliamentary defeat next week.

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The Australian state of Victoria has announced the end of the curfew And relax some lockdown measures that lasted for months. The government also announced that other steps to exit the lockdown will be based on case numbers, not strict dates. Australia reported just 18 new cases on Saturday, two deaths, and Trade Minister Simon Birmingham hopes a travel bubble with New Zealand can be created by the end of the year.

In Latin America, Argentina’s coronavirus cases are poised to hit 700,000, as new daily infections and deaths have reached the world’s top five, despite seven months of lockdowns that have devastated the weak economy.
Colombia’s coronavirus cases, which took nearly a month to reopen nationally after a long lockdown, have surpassed 800,000. Elsewhere, Mexican authorities reported 5,573 new cases and 399 deaths on Friday, but the true numbers are likely to be much higher due to the lack of testing.