British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace announced that the United Kingdom would support Poland if our country decided to supply Ukraine with Soviet aircraft. Wallace stressed that “Britain will support any country that chooses to do so.”

Once again, loudly about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdelivery of the Polish MiG-29 to Ukraine. The head of the Department of Defense, Ben Wallace, recently spoke on the subject.

The Guardian quoted Wallace as saying that “Britain will support any country that makes this choice and defend the right of any country to do so.” The head of the Ministry of Defense made this statement when asked whether Ukraine still needs more powerful weapons.

“If Poland decides to do this, we will support it” – confirmed. He added that Great Britain is ready to fill in any shortcomings that may arise as a result of the transfer of aircraft to the Ukrainians.

Previously, aircraft delivery was considered too risky. But in the past month, Western countries have increased their arms supplies.

In early March, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the US was considering sending planes to Poland if Warsaw decided to deliver the fighters to Ukraine.

In response, the head of Polish diplomacy confirmed that the Polish authorities are ready for this “Immediately and free of charge all MiG-29s were transferred to the Ramstein base and placed at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America.”. “Meanwhile, Poland is asking the USA to provide it used aircraft with similar operational capabilities.

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However, none of the plans came. Later the same day, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby referred to the Polish offer. The prospect of fighters “at the disposal of the United States government” taking off from the US-NATO base in Germany to fly into the contested airspace (…) raises serious concerns for the entire North Atlantic Agreement. Simply put, it is not clear to us that there is a realistic justification for this Kirby announced.

Kirby later reported that Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin told Defense Secretary Marius Pussachtak that The United States does not support the transfer of additional aircraft to Ukraine and does not want to have them at its disposal. He added that the United States believed that the MiGs would not significantly increase Ukraine’s capabilities, and Russia might interpret their transfer as an escalation.