President Joe Biden announced Thursday that the United States will donate 75% of the money. Unused Covid-19 vaccines for the UN-backed global COVAX Vaccine Exchange Program. They plan to make 80 million doses available to other countries by the end of June, most of them via COVAX.

“As long as this pandemic continues anywhere in the world, Americans are at risk,” Biden said in a statement.

Of the first batch of 25 million doses, nearly 19 million will go to COVAX, the White House said, of which 6 million will go to South and Central American countries, 7 million to Asia, and 5 million to Africa.
The Associated Press emphasized that 19 million doses is a big boost; COVAX has distributed 76 million doses to date.

Twenty-five percent of unused vaccines will be kept in contingency reserves and direct U.S. engagement with allies and partners. 6 million of the first tranche will go to, among others to Mexico, Canada, South Korea, West Bank, Gaza, India, Ukraine, Kosovo, Haiti, Georgia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Yemen.

The first 25 million doses will come from current federal formula reserves for Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, according to the White House.

By the end of June, the White House plans to provide 80 million doses, mostly through COVAX.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the US will be able to comment on where the doses distributed via COVAX will go. – We do not try to force concessions, we do not impose, we do not impose conditions as other countries that provide potions do; “We don’t do any of those things,” Sullivan said.

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Guatemalan President Alejandro Giamatti announced Thursday that the United States will donate half a million doses of vaccine to the country. In turn, the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, informed that after his conversation with US Vice President Kamala Harris, the United States agreed to send one million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine to Mexico. “You expressed our gratitude on behalf of the Mexican people,” Lopez Obrador wrote on Twitter.

In the United States, more than 63 percent. Adults received at least one dose of the preparation. To date, the United States has donated a total of 4.5 million vaccines to Mexico and Canada.

COVAX is a program designed to ensure that developing countries have access to vaccines. The program is jointly managed by Gavi – Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) and the World Health Organization (WHO).