Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there were no members of the public in the room and the committee was socially distant. Instead, questions were asked by Edinburgh residents using the video link.

Committee members were discussing a poll released earlier this week that found record levels of support for Scottish independence.

A STV / Ipsos MORI poll showed that 58 percent of Scots want to leave Britain, versus 42 percent who opposed it.

However, Susan, one of the attendees from Edinburgh, urged politicians to focus on the coronavirus pandemic.

She said, “I’d like to know who is requesting all these polls at the moment.

“The UK is currently facing an economic and health crisis of epic proportions, and the constitutional questions are certainly not quite relevant at the moment, can we just focus on what really matters right now as one UK.”

In 2014, Scotland voted to remain a part of the United Kingdom with 55 percent of the vote to 45 percent.

Prior to this poll, Sturgeon said it would be “one chance in a lifetime”.

A few years later, however, the nationalist politician called for another referendum.

Read more: Scotland travel ban – Will Nicola Sturgeon ban English visitors?

Ms Sorgon’s push for a second referendum at the time of the question was also criticized by Ian Wood, a Scottish businessman and philanthropist.

He said, “We did a referendum five years ago, it is a very important question, and we should never address it again.”

“What has gone completely wrong in the last two or three years is that we have a Scottish government that is generally hostile and passive about the whole range of things that might happen as the UK and Scotland work together.

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“We don’t have a government that takes care of Scotland at all.

“We have a delegated government that focuses on independence.”

The SNP government recently introduced a new wave of coronavirus restrictions to parts of Scotland.

The bars and pubs in the densely populated Central Belt are required to close unless they also serve food.

Also on the committee was Douglas Ross, leader of the Scottish Conservative Party, who criticized the SCN’s record.

He commented, “Nicola Sturgeon is a good communicator.

“She goes out every day in Scotland to take daily leave, but when it comes to the details, we still have the highest R rate anywhere in the UK, the highest death rate in care anywhere in the UK, one of the highest death rates per Member of the population in Europe. “