There is no shortage of talent ready to work in our area. This group includes 19-year-old Weronika Lewna, a pupil of the Feniks in Słupsk.

This contestant competed over distances from 800 m to 3000 m, and also achieved successes and medals (in the hall and in the stadium) in the Polish Youth Championship. She was also a participant in the European Junior Championships. Not only was Weronika an excellent runner for the younger generation, but she was also a very good student. She graduated from High School No. 1 in Sobsk. Talent hunters brought the woman from Swopsk to the United States, where she signed a grant agreement with American University Boston College in Massachusetts (it has a long tradition, founded by the Jesuits in Boston in 1863, due to the dynamic development from 1909, it was transferred to Chestnut Chill, where the campus was established. Undergraduate, the number of students is about 15,000, of whom 8% are foreigners. Weronika has a full scholarship that covers the entire course of education. She is a first-year student in neuroscience. This semester is mainly chemistry, philosophy, Spanish and English language and psychology. In addition to studying , The 19-year-old girl from Swubsk is a player in the Boston College Eagles athletics team (there are 33 girls, of whom 6 are from abroad: Polish, German, Irish, Belgian, Canadian and Finnish). During Christmas and New Year, he resides in his hometown. Swopsk.

I am satisfied with my stay in the United States. After a two-month break due to the injury, I resumed training. I have very good training conditions. My current coaches are: Randy Thomas (Chair) and Julie Hyde (Assistant). I run 3-4 times a week. I am under the care of a physician and a physiotherapist. In addition to this, I also have classes in the gym and pool. She made friends with some of the girls on the squad. Interestingly, one of them, Nicole Claremont, knows my HR colleague Melina Paika. They met at the cross-suburban junior tournament in Denmark. Myriam Rove, from Germany, is my roommate. I’m doing really well in college. I combine my studies with running. I hope that in 2021 the world will deal with the coronavirus epidemic and that is why I plan to start in Poland – said Latif and Yunika Leona.
This runner is supported not only by her parents, but also by fans of her talent. We wish Weronika good luck in science and sports in the new 2021.

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