
12 US helicopters will fly from Greece to Poland

USA zdecydowały o przerzuceniu do Polski z Grecji 12 amerykańskich śmigłowców bojowych AH-64 Apache - poinformowała agencja Reutera, powołując się na źródło w Pentagonie. Oprócz tego Stany Zjednoczone przerzucą do państw bałtyckich 20 śmigłowców AH-64 Apache z Niemiec oraz ok. 800 żołnierzy z Włoch. Osiem myśliwców F-35 trafi natomiast do kilku "lokalizacji operacyjnych" wzdłuż wschodniej flanki NATO.

Reuters reported, quoting a Pentagon source, that the United States decided to transfer 12 AH-64 Apache combat helicopters to Poland from Greece. In addition, the United States will transport 20 AH-64 Apache helicopters from Germany and about 800 soldiers from Italy to the Baltic states. Eight F-35 fighters will go to several “sites of operations” along NATO’s eastern flank.

US President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that additional US troops and military equipment will be sent to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as to other places in Europe.

We want to send a clear signal that the United States, with its allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we have made within the Alliance. The American leader said.

The President of the United States expressed his conviction that the entry of Russian forces into the “people’s republics” in Donbass was just a prelude to a much larger attack on Ukraine.

Head of the Center for Oriental Studies: Putin’s massive frustration can be seen

See also  Russia and Ukraine. British Foreign Office: We have information that Moscow wants to install a pro-Russian government in Kiev
Jordan Hansen

"Food practitioner. Music junkie. Avid troublemaker. Hipster-friendly creator. Social media lover. Wannabe pop culture fanatic."

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12 US helicopters will fly from Greece to Poland

USA zdecydowały o przerzuceniu do Polski z Grecji 12 amerykańskich śmigłowców bojowych AH-64 Apache - poinformowała agencja Reutera, powołując się na źródło w Pentagonie. Oprócz tego Stany Zjednoczone przerzucą do państw bałtyckich 20 śmigłowców AH-64 Apache z Niemiec oraz ok. 800 żołnierzy z Włoch. Osiem myśliwców F-35 trafi natomiast do kilku "lokalizacji operacyjnych" wzdłuż wschodniej flanki NATO.

Reuters reported, quoting a Pentagon source, that the United States decided to transfer 12 AH-64 Apache combat helicopters to Poland from Greece. In addition, the United States will transport 20 AH-64 Apache helicopters from Germany and about 800 soldiers from Italy to the Baltic states. Eight F-35 fighters will go to several “sites of operations” along NATO’s eastern flank.

US President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that additional US troops and military equipment will be sent to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as to other places in Europe.

We want to send a clear signal that the United States, with its allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we have made within the Alliance. The American leader said.

The President of the United States expressed his conviction that the entry of Russian forces into the “people’s republics” in Donbass was just a prelude to a much larger attack on Ukraine.

Head of the Center for Oriental Studies: Putin’s massive frustration can be seen

See also  China is quietly building a military base in Cambodia
Jordan Hansen

"Food practitioner. Music junkie. Avid troublemaker. Hipster-friendly creator. Social media lover. Wannabe pop culture fanatic."

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12 US helicopters will fly from Greece to Poland

USA zdecydowały o przerzuceniu do Polski z Grecji 12 amerykańskich śmigłowców bojowych AH-64 Apache - poinformowała agencja Reutera, powołując się na źródło w Pentagonie. Oprócz tego Stany Zjednoczone przerzucą do państw bałtyckich 20 śmigłowców AH-64 Apache z Niemiec oraz ok. 800 żołnierzy z Włoch. Osiem myśliwców F-35 trafi natomiast do kilku "lokalizacji operacyjnych" wzdłuż wschodniej flanki NATO.

Reuters reported, quoting a Pentagon source, that the United States decided to transfer 12 AH-64 Apache combat helicopters to Poland from Greece. In addition, the United States will transport 20 AH-64 Apache helicopters from Germany and about 800 soldiers from Italy to the Baltic states. Eight F-35 fighters will go to several “sites of operations” along NATO’s eastern flank.

US President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that additional US troops and military equipment will be sent to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as to other places in Europe.

We want to send a clear signal that the United States, with its allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we have made within the Alliance. The American leader said.

The President of the United States expressed his conviction that the entry of Russian forces into the “people’s republics” in Donbass was just a prelude to a much larger attack on Ukraine.

Head of the Center for Oriental Studies: Putin’s massive frustration can be seen

See also  Russia and Ukraine. British Foreign Office: We have information that Moscow wants to install a pro-Russian government in Kiev
Jordan Hansen

"Food practitioner. Music junkie. Avid troublemaker. Hipster-friendly creator. Social media lover. Wannabe pop culture fanatic."

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12 US helicopters will fly from Greece to Poland

USA zdecydowały o przerzuceniu do Polski z Grecji 12 amerykańskich śmigłowców bojowych AH-64 Apache - poinformowała agencja Reutera, powołując się na źródło w Pentagonie. Oprócz tego Stany Zjednoczone przerzucą do państw bałtyckich 20 śmigłowców AH-64 Apache z Niemiec oraz ok. 800 żołnierzy z Włoch. Osiem myśliwców F-35 trafi natomiast do kilku "lokalizacji operacyjnych" wzdłuż wschodniej flanki NATO.

Reuters reported, quoting a Pentagon source, that the United States decided to transfer 12 AH-64 Apache combat helicopters to Poland from Greece. In addition, the United States will transport 20 AH-64 Apache helicopters from Germany and about 800 soldiers from Italy to the Baltic states. Eight F-35 fighters will go to several “sites of operations” along NATO’s eastern flank.

US President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that additional US troops and military equipment will be sent to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as to other places in Europe.

We want to send a clear signal that the United States, with its allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we have made within the Alliance. The American leader said.

The President of the United States expressed his conviction that the entry of Russian forces into the “people’s republics” in Donbass was just a prelude to a much larger attack on Ukraine.

Head of the Center for Oriental Studies: Putin’s massive frustration can be seen

See also  Tajikistan asks Russia for help in the situation in Afghanistan
Jordan Hansen

"Food practitioner. Music junkie. Avid troublemaker. Hipster-friendly creator. Social media lover. Wannabe pop culture fanatic."

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