When do children 1-3 return to school? The Minister of Education and Science, Przemislav Kzarnik, announced on TVN 24 that if the epidemiological situation allows them to return to education full-time, children will soon return to school.

We hope the kids will be back in school starting Monday April 26th. But it will happen if the epidemiological situation allows

– The head of the Ministry of Education said in an interview with TVN24. If the downward trend we have seen continues for several days, it is already possible for all children to return to school by May, he added.

Distance learning is at a higher level than it was a year ago, but it will not replace static learning

The minister said.

Until when do schools close? “We allowed children from grades 1-3 to school, 2-3 weeks and we had the third wave”

When do children 1-3 return to school? Kindergartens and nurseries are operating again

Parents do not understand why activities in nurseries and kindergartens are resuming so quickly and schools are still closed. “If kindergartens and nurseries are open, why aren’t schools?” – Ask on the edziecko.pl forum and ask when 1-3 children return to school.

Minister Kasarnik made it clear that the government wants to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus, and therefore – personal contacts should be reduced. Kazarnik estimates that the opening of the schools “means the movement of several millions more people” – the transportation of children and parents.

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A few days ago, prof. Mi³osz Parczewski, a specialist in infectious diseases and a member of the Medical Council of the Cabinet Office, confirmed on RMF FM that the Medical Council supports the decision to open kindergartens and nurseries.

Of course, there were doubts (…). However, the data also shows that these young children rarely transmit the virus. On the other hand, we want to unblock my parents a little bit, so that they can get back to work, so that life also returns to normal

He explained and added that the same decision cannot be made regarding the return of students from the first grade to schools to schools. “Because the number of infections is greater there. In this group from first to third, the number of children infected is greater. And they are mixing more. There is epidemiological data indicating that the risk of transmission is higher .. Please also pay attention to what happened – we allowed children from the first to the third grade.” Going to school, 2-3 weeks and we had the third wave, “- he said. So when do children 1-3 go back to school? “In April, we should not allow children from 1 to 3 to go to school. There is one exception – regionalism,” – said the professor.

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