Rebuild Paradise is a production directed by Oscar-winning Ron Howard. The film tells about the strength and determination of the victims of one of the most tragic fires in California history. It will be available on National Geographic. When will the first show be scheduled?

Rebuild Heaven with the premiere on National Geographic

The tragic flames that ravaged California, according to the data, destroyed up to 95% of Paradise City’s infrastructure, which is the focus of the Ron Howard movie. 85 people were killed in that time, 50,000 and more than 14,000 were evacuated. Homes were completely destroyed. In 2018, Howard traveled with a camera to document the disaster and show how, despite tremendous hardships, locals have struggled to rebuild their world. The director stayed with them much longer than the television crews, and in his filmography shows a tragic picture of heavy losses.

The rebuilding of Heaven demonstrates the resilience of the residents in the face of disaster and their immense resolve. It is an exceptionally updated document and resonates with today’s problems. Not only does the film consist of Howard’s recordings, but it also includes material from the residents themselves, which makes it all the more powerful and tragic, especially when combined with narratives of victims and witnesses.

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