Tracy Emin revealed that she had cancer earlier this year and is now in remission after a summer surgery.

The artist, one of her generation’s best known and known for her candid work, said in Interview with Artnet She was working on a metastasis when she began to feel pain in her bladder caused by a tumor.

Amin said that many of her genitals were removed during her treatment and she was provided with an ostomy bag. She said, “I had silly cancer, and after cutting half of my body, including half of my vagina, I feel more than ever that love is allowed.”

She said experience and age had not diminished her desire to work. “At my age now, love is a completely different dimension and level of understanding,” she said.

“I don’t want children, I don’t want all the things you might subconsciously crave when you are young. I just want love. As much as I can get love. I want to choke on it, I want to devour it. I think that’s fine.”

Emin also said that she “has only really started working in the past five years” and is beginning to understand why she was drawn. She said she felt she still had a lot of work left to do in her life, and that she struggled to have patience with her body while it recovered. She said, “Yesterday, I was crying because I wanted to draw and I didn’t have the energy to do that.

Emin also reflected on the #MeToo movement and the fact that when she was talking about her own experience with sexual assault, she was described as a narcissist and the one who complains.

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“Now, there is a language for women to express themselves thanks to #MeToo,” she said. “It’s good to catch up, but I wish I hadn’t been accused of being narcissistic at the time.”

Her new show, Love Details, is about “Things You Notice When You’re in Love,” but will not be opening in Brussels on October 30th. “Rain is beautiful when you are in love … It’s about understanding those little points, the little things,” she said.

Amin revealed in June That her cousin died of Covid-19. She also said that she found the shutdown a fruitful period for her while promoting I Blossom on Solitude, which was on the White Cube this summer.

She was supportive of the group that brought down the Edward Colston statue in Bristol this summer. “I think it is good for them to be removed but they should go to a museum, not be destroyed.

“It’s exciting to see what will be put into place in their place. It’s nice to know that there won’t be a large number of old people who are meaningless,” she said.