Educated drivers hoping to get behind the wheel will have to pass a new type of theoretical exam designed to make the system fairer for everyone, including those with learning disabilities.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has stated that new theory test changes will take effect on September 28 for learners across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The changes were scheduled to begin April 14, but were subsequently suspended due to Corona Virus Full shutdown.

Under the current system, you are required to answer 50 multiple-choice questions within 57 minutes and then pass a risk perception test to pass the assessment.

Beginning September 28, you will be asked to watch a short and silent video that will then have to answer three multiple-choice questions

As part of the questions and answers, learners must read a case study and then answer five questions – based on the rules of the road.

However, starting September 28th, you will be prompted to watch a short and silent video instead, which will then have to answer three multiple-choice questions.

Learners will be able to watch the video as many times as they like during the multiple-choice portion of the theory test.

The video will show a situation, such as driving downtown or driving down a country road.

What kinds of questions will I be asked?

The videos will replace the scenarios written for UK driving theory tests for easy access

You will answer questions like the following:

  1. Why are motorcyclists at-risk road users?
  2. Why should a driver on the side road look for motorcyclists at intersections?
  3. In this clip, who can cross chevrons to overtake other compounds, when is it safe to do so?
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For each of the three questions, you will have to choose the correct answer from among four possible answers.

The change will affect all educated drivers who choose to take a test after April 14, 2020, including those who have to retest after passing the first test.

What does not change

Despite the changes, you will still need to study the same books and programs to prepare for the theory test.

As part of the test, you’ll still need:

  • Answer 50 multiple-choice questions within 57 minutes
  • Get 43 of the 50 questions correctly for passing the multiple-choice part of the test

The risk perception part of the test is unchanged. This is where you watch videos to spot developing risks.

Tests that do not change

The change will not apply to the following theoretical tests:

  • Motorcycle
  • Truck
  • Bus or coach
  • Certified Driving Instructor (ADI) Part 1