Xlinks wants to lay four 3,800 km of cables at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to carry electricity generated in Morocco to the United Kingdom. The power will be generated using photovoltaic and wind farms, and the first phase of implementation is scheduled to start in 2025-2027.

Africa will feed the British people with energy

The cables will connect the Kulmim-Wad Nun region in Morocco with Alverdiscott in the UK. These will be High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) lines capable of transmitting a total of 2 x 1.8 GW of power. Their supplier, XLCC, will build a new plant in Scotland to produce them. A total of 90,000 tons of steel will be required for the cables.

Morocco has exceptionally bright sunlight, with solar farms operating at an average efficiency of 34 percent. For comparison: in Poland or the UK, the coefficient of performance (CF) is three times lower and reaches about 11 percent. In the country, the wind also blows an average of 52 percent of the time. Xlinks keeps it up You can generate power there for more than 20 hours (!) a day. An area of ​​1,500 square kilometers (say 150 x 10 km) is capable of generating up to 10.5 GW of power, twice the installed capacity of the Bełchatów Power Plant.

The first phase of the project is scheduled to start in 2025-2027. The investment must be ready at the end of the decade, when Moroccan energy will be able to supply more than 7 million households, equivalent to 8 per cent of UK energy demand. Transferring energy from Africa accounts for half the cost of nuclear power.

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