Students from the school and kindergarten complex in Grzymiszewo received the prize for the “Science for You” competition. They received the awards at a ceremony at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. They were presented by the CEO of the Copernicus Science Center, Robert Vermhofer, and Justina Orlovska, the Delegate Minister of Education and Science for Digital Transformation and the Prime Minister’s Commissioner for Government Technology.

“How will the ball behave?” This is the title of the Grzymiszewski project, an original construction that allows to understand the principle of conservation of energy – the energy of the system in the end cannot be greater than it was at the beginning. As a science aid, it works great in physics lessons when discussing issues such as energy conversion or vibrational motion.


The work of Grzymiszewo students was recognized as one of the best in the competition, in which 60 teams from all over Poland took part. The award ceremony was held at the Copernicus Science Center. It was attended by the members of the winning team: Martina Baruszewska, Maria Kozmowska, Bartosz Andrzejzak, Kamil Grabowski and Maciej Kacbrzak, as well as their supporting teachers Seluja Jarojevic and Katarzyna Vowiniak. They all received valuable prizes. The children also presented their exhibition at the Copernican exhibitions, which was a great experience for young scientists. Hundreds of peers saw their work!

The next edition of the “Education for You” competition will take place in the next academic year.

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The Science for You program is a joint program of the Minister of Education and Science and the Copernicus Science Center. The goal of the project is to disseminate science, particularly among children and adolescents who, due to their place of residence, have limited access to science centers. Strengthen their research competencies in particular by forming the ability to ask questions and build and conduct experiments. This year’s edition of the “Science for You” competition was the fifth in the project’s history.


The Science for You competition is conducted and funded under the joint program of the Minister of Education and Science and the Copernicus Science Center known as “Science for You”. The Science for You program is funded with the support of the Minister of Education and Science on the basis of the agreement of March 6, 2020. No. 1 / CNK-NAUKOBUS / 2020. As part of the Science for You program, “Naukobus” and “Planetobus” activities are carried out in addition to online classes .

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