However, it turns out that his successes are not very much appreciated in the UK. Renowned British journalist Peter Oakes has recognized the world’s best sprint racer in recent years as… the biggest loser of 2021.

– After six rounds of the Grand Prix, the Pole was the leader of the course and it was possible to build a house in which he would win another world champion title. Zmarzlik emulated his attitude to Ivan Mauger and you can be sure that he will be able to repeat his success with three consecutive championship titles. In the end, however, even the New Zealander will be powerless in the face of the astonishing act of Artiom Laguta – the British journalist wrote in the Speedway Star’s justification.

The nomination for Zmarzlik is even more surprising, since no other “loser” was found among the best players in the world. The remaining nominations were for clubs and jockeys at various levels in the United Kingdom.

The British team at the Speedway of Nations (Tai Woffinden, Robert Lambert, Daniel Bewley and Tom Brennan) was recognized as the biggest win of the season, along with Artiom Łaguta, Adam Ellis, representatives of Discovery Sports Events and Rory Schlein.

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