Ross 508 this A red dwarf, that is, a star whose mass, size, luminosity and surface temperature are lower than that of the Sun.Which is 36.5 light years away from Earth. Scientists have just discovered an exoplanet four times the mass of Earth in its habitable zone – a region around a star where all planets can have the physical and chemical conditions for the emergence and preservation of life.

considered the most important Keep the surface of the water in a liquid state Being too close to the star means the water instantly evaporates, and freezes too far away. However, this is not the only factor that determines the ability of a planet to sustain life, and it suffices to mention the Sun and Mars, which are located in its habitable zone. What would it be like in the case of Ross 508b, because that’s what the new planet was called and what do we know about it?

Ross 508b is a super-Earth planet, an exoplanet with a mass greater than Earth and belonging to the type of rocky planet – Although the name might suggest otherwise, super-Earths don’t need Earth-like conditions.

A complete orbit of approximately 508 billion in just 10.75 days, which is a result of Ross 508 being much smaller than the Sun and the distance between it and the newly discovered planet is less than the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It is interesting, however, that the red dwarf is less bright, Ross 508b You only get 1.4 times more radiation from Earth than from the Sun.

And although scientists are somewhat skeptical of the theory of life on this planet, their discovery is very important, as he asserts Effectiveness of techniques used to search for relatively small planets orbiting faint starsJust like red dwarfs. In this case, the Subaru telescope at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii contributed to the discovery, making it possible to determine the Doppler effect in the infrared and near infrared.

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