Fans in Ipswich suffered great emotions, as local witch Wolverhampton defeated Wolverhampton 46:44. The key to victory was a 15th-round victory over Sam Masters, who had by then had five straight wins.

Michel Gazewski

Sam Masters

WP SportoweFakty / Michał Krupa / Pictured: Sam Masters

The game in Ipswich from the beginning was a game between the local team and the Sam Masters. The Australian won the first five races, but did not have enough support from his colleagues, who won three races together.

The Ipswich Witches were a more equal team, and the most effective of the Witches were Jason Doyle and Troy Batchelor. The Australians in Heat 15, at 41:43, stood under the bar in front of the Masters and Luke Baker. The hosts initially won twice and reached the finish line in the first two places, ensuring their team’s victory.

punctuation marks:

Ipswich witches – 46 points
1. Jason Doyle – 12 + 1 (2,3,3,2,2*)
2. Eric Ries – replace player
3. Daniel King – 7 (3,1,1,2)
4. Ben Parker – 3 (0,1,0, -, 2)
5. Troy Batchelor – 13 + 2 (3.2.2*, 2.1*, 3)
6. Paul Stark – 5 + 1 (3,1,1 *, 0, -, 0, u)
7. Danion Hume – 6 + 1 (2 *, -, 1,3,0,0, -)
8. Jacob Klotting – N

Wolverhampton Wolves – 44 points
1. Sam Masters – 16 (3,3,3,3,3,3)
2. Steve Worrall – 5 + 1 (1.2 *, 1.1)
3. Ryan Douglas – 5 (D, 0.2.3)
4. Luke Baker – 9 + 1 (2.3.1*, 3.0)
5. Nick Morris – 6 + 1 (2,2,2*, 0)
6. Drew Kemp – 3 (1.0, -, 1.1)
7. Joe Thompson – 0 (0,0,0, -)

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Running after running:
1. Masters, Doyle, Worrall, Parker – 2:4 – (2:4)
2. Stark, Hume, Kemp, Thompson – 5:1 – (7:5)
3. King, Baker, Parker, Douglas (D) – 4:2 – (11:7)
4. Batchelor, Maurice, Stark, Thompson – 4: 2 – (15: 9)
5. Masters, Worrall, King, Parker – 1:5 – (4:14 p.m.)
6. Doyle, Morris, Hume, Kemp – 4: 2 – (20:16)
7. Baker, Batchelor, Stark, Douglas – 3:3 – (23:19)
8. Hume, Batchelor, Worrall, Thompson – 5:1 – (28:20)
9. Masters, Morris, King, Hume – 1:5 – (29:25)
10. Doyle, Douglas, Baker, Stark – 3:3 – (32:28)
11. Masters, Batchelor, Worrall, Hume – 2:4 – (34:32)
12. Baker, King, Kemp, Stark – 2:4 – (36:36)
13. Masters, Doyle, Batchelor, Morris – 3:3 – (39:39)
14. Douglas, Parker, Kemp, Stark (u) – 2:4 – (41:43)
15th. Batchelor, Doyle, Masters, Baker – 5:1 – (46:44)

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