Prevention of Infectious Diseases – Information Materials GIS


The Ministry of Education and Science encourages you to read the information materials prepared by the Public Health Inspectorate. They relate to the prevention of infectious diseases such as: diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, acute polio (polio) and hepatitis A, as well as vaccination against COVID-19. The materials were prepared in Polish and Ukrainian.

Information materials prepared by GIS describe in an accessible manner, among other things, symptoms, methods of infection and complications of infectious diseases. They also present the role of preventive vaccines in preventing diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, acute polio (polio), and hepatitis A.

The materials have been prepared in Polish and Ukrainian and are intended, inter alia, for parents of children from Ukraine. The goal of the information and educational activities of GIS is to maintain a stable epidemiological situation in our country.


Brochure – Гепатит А UA
A4 _ _ _ _wzw _salmonella _ua.pdf
0.68 MB

Brochure – Hepatitis A PL
A4 _ _ _ _wzw _salmonella _pl.pdf

Brochure – Поліомієліт UA
A4 _ _ _polio _ua.pdf
0.58 MB

Bulletin – Polio PL
A4 _ _ _polio _pl.pdf
0.58 MB

Brochure – КІР UA
A4 _ _ _ _odra _ua.pdf

Bulletin – Measles PL
A4 _ _ _ _odra _pl.pdf
0.75 MB

Flyer – Коклюш UA
A4 _ _ whooping cough _ua.pdf
1.03 MB

Bulletin – Whooping Cough PL
A4 __ __
1.06 MB

Bulletin – COVID-19 UA
A4 _ _ _covid-19 _ua.pdf
0.37 MB

Bulletin – COVID 19 PL
A4 _ _ _covid-19 _pl_ (003).pdf
0.37 MB