Steam version of Persona 5 Strikers It will use Denuvo’s anti-tamper technology according to the game’s recently launched Steam store page. Steam version of Persona 4 Golden This technique is also used. It is not yet known how a Persona 5 Strikers Denuvo DRM will affect the game. [Thanks, DSOGaming!]

Denuvo DRM is a technology intended to prevent piracy, but its presence can also affect the performance of some video games. However, it is not entirely uncommon to be included with the release of PC games. It’s also not uncommon for publishers to eventually remove Denuvo. Capcom, for example, has a history of using and later removing third-party DRM technology. This was the case for Resident Evil 2 as long Devil May Cry 5. In the latter case, there were reports of the impact of the technology’s presence on gaming performance.

Persona 5 Strikers Features of Phantom Thieves from Person 5 and he MusouA game of sorts developed by Koei Tecmo’s Omega Force. It will be available in eight different languages With options that vary from platform to platform. Persona 5 Strikers PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam releases on February 23, 2021. Pre-order the Digital Deluxe Edition from Persona 5 Strikers From the PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop, or Steam Store, Early access to the game will be granted on February 19, 2021.

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