Neil Lennon believes that the Rangers duo being hit is a chilling warning to the rest of Scottish football.

The Celtic The coach was unhappy with the interference of the Scottish government and canceled the matches after a breach of Paulingoli while the other clubs managed to avoid similar penalties.

But Lennon The seven game ban handed out to Ibrox husband George Edmondson and Jordan Jones is believed to be a clear message for the rest of the game.

He said, “I made points about the government’s response two weeks later and was even more upset about the way we were treated.”

“There was a contradiction in the way we were treated.

“The penalties for (Rangers) players are very severe and I think that should be a warning to everyone involved in the game.

“The rules are in place now and we have to abide by them or else you will be punished severely. We have made that clear to the players.”

Lennon was relieved to avoid further Covid concerns during the recent international hiatus, and insisted that the two-week period had been used to get the main guys into gear.

Cannons Christopher Julian He is close to coming back after back surgery as Albian Ajeti spent two weeks getting up before Hibs today.

Lennon said, “Julian has been training for the last few days, so he’s not far away.

“The likes of Ajeti had a really good two weeks, Diego Laxalt and Olivier Necham, Brownie. They had a really good two weeks out of the spotlight but were working really hard behind the scenes.

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“The quality in training was definitely good but it is nice to have them back. It was a bit loose.

“We have a series of games now where we will all be together and look forward to that very much.”

Lennon’s champions in Scotland are at their highest but hopeful Odson Edward He could reconfigure his goals for France Under 21 to Celtic.

The killer scored a double against Switzerland and the Hoops coach said: “Odsonne’s two goals were great and looked like Odson last season. Once again, psychologically, after he broke the under-21 record, he will be in great shape and hopefully he can ignite now for us on Over the next two months. “

Lennon warned his team not to prepare for the hungry Hibs side on Easter Road today.

He said, “Hibs can cause anyone problems at this level.

“They are a dangerous animal.

“There have been indications of a return to form in the past few games, but the Hibbs match in our place, when we won 3-0, was an excellent performance against a very good team.”