Instead of studying, you engage in activities that seem more interesting at a given moment. Although you feel guilty and helpless, you cannot push yourself into the hard reading or memorize theoretical concepts. Nothing is wasted! All you have to do is find the motivation that will become the driving force and lead to the achievement of the desired goal.

What is the motive?

The motivation is the willingness to act, make sacrifices, and take on new challenges that ultimately lead to the achievement of the ultimate goal. Motivation is also a lifestyle and approach to it. A type of motivation that encourages productive work. We distinguish between two types of motivation:

  • Extrinsic motivation Conditional on material factors. We give in to an action because we are expecting a payment or a reward. It is also present when we want to avoid the penalty for failure to fulfill obligations (such as learning for grades).
  • Internal motivation Reversal of extrinsic motivation. It is an incentive that prompts you to act as the result of an internal need. It brings joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment (like learning for yourself).

Where should you start?

In order to achieve high scores and gain knowledge in an effective manner, you need to find the motivation that will come from your own needs. The inner drive is most desirable because learning thus becomes a necessity, not a compulsion. Changing the way you think can work miracles. The will to learn will emerge when you start, for example, with the most enjoyable material. Getting started is a big step – the hardest thing is getting started. It stimulates the first positive influences more effectively, so the first step is simply to start learning.

How to increase your motivation to learn?

  • Take care of the space you study in. The environment and the workplace are very important. All the clutter and excess of items distracts attention, and the learning process becomes longer and less effective. Reduce any triggers that may distract you. Turn off the phone, and don’t check what’s happening on the Internet – in short, just focus on the topic.
  • Set goals. Write it on a piece of paper and stick it in a visible location, for example on a refrigerator or cork board. The write-off points already completed are the biggest motivation for carrying out your next tasks.
  • Submit your entry for a contest or Olympiad. This is an additional push that will increase your motivation to learn.
  • Plan how much time you will spend learning. The start time and end time will be your next goal to achieve. Adherence to the timeframe will also ensure that there will be no more time for distraction, using the phone and the internet for purposes other than getting new messages needed to cover the topic.
  • Make your learning more attractive. Make it fun and enjoyable. When taking notes, use colored pencils, highlighters, and fine markers. Colorful and aesthetically pleasing notes will make you more likely to return to it and enhance your knowledge.
  • Do not treat learning as a duty or obligation, but as a privilege to develop and acquire new and useful information and skills.
  • Motivate yourself with past successes. Self-confidence and awareness of your abilities are very important. If you learned something complicated once, why fail now?
  • Share your decisions with your loved ones. Saying what we want to achieve out loud in the near future is an excellent motivation to work.
  • Make sure you are organized – this is the most important rule. Systematic actions increase the chance of achieving the goal.
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