The Minister of Health and I expect the resignation of the President of the Medical University of Warsaw Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Gaciong regarding irregularities in vaccinations – said Minister of Education and Science Przemislav Kzarnik. He stated that the case is being analyzed by lawyers from the two ministries.

On Thursday, the Minister of Education and Science was asked on RMF FM about irregularities in the regulation of vaccinations by the Medical University of Warsaw Medical Center and whether the president of the Medical University of Warsaw, Professor. Zbigniew Gaciong violated the law regarding them. Kazarnik replied, “It looks like it is, but I am not responsible for evaluating the activities of the university president, this is the one responsible for the public prosecutor.”

He referred to the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science mentioned in the interview, according to which the Minister of Health exercises supervision over the Warsaw Medical University, but in the event that the President of the University violates the law, the Minister of Education and Science may request the dismissal of the President of the University, or he may suspend it. .

“Violation of the law must be confirmed by the relevant departments. I do not authorize the violation of the law by the university president” – he replied. At the same time, he indicated that the case is being analyzed by lawyers from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. “Specific decisions on this issue will of course be taken by the Minister of Health with my participation, but analyzes are underway,” – informed Kazarnik.

The MEiN chief was asked if he would like the Minister of Health to make a decision with him and clearly stated that the president of the Medical University of Warsaw has been suspended and expected his resignation. He replied: “We have already expressed that. We expect Minister Adam Nidzelsky and University President Jaseung to resign. The best solution will be, we will cut this case and move forward with vaccinations and protect patients from the Coronavirus.”

At the end of 2020, information was published that the Medical University of Warsaw Medical Center had vaccinated people outside of Group Zero who were not entitled to do so. Among these people was, among others the former Prime Minister and currently SLD member of the European Parliament Leszek Miller with his wife. The vaccine was also received by the actors: Christina Ganda, Maria Siorin, Victor Zborowski, Mikay Bajor, Radoslaw Pazora, satirist Krzysztof Materna and TVN Program Director Eduard Miszak In addition, businessmen appeared on the list, including Zbigniew and Elżbieta Grycan, Owners of a network of famous ice cream parlors, as well as two founders of “Dr Irena Eris” – Irena Eris and Henryk Orfinger.

Minister of Health Adam Nidzelsky, when summarizing the results of the free zone inspection on this issue, among other things, stated that he did not see the possibility of cooperating with the university authorities. “I expect the resignation of the president of the Warsaw Medical University,” he said.

a. In response, Jaseung said that he would not resign and assessed that the “image crisis” that affected Warsaw Medical University was the result of “not only mistakes made by the Warsaw Medical University Medical Center”, but also “an unprecedented manipulation of public opinion by the Minister of Health.” PAP)

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Author: Danuta Starzyńska-Rosiecka

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