– We feel that he accompanies us in prayer, constantly looking at God’s horizon – said Francis of Benedict XVI during the Ratzinger Awards. The Pope thanked his predecessor for having “always combined his research completely and harmoniously with faith and the service of the Church.”

We feel that he accompanies us in prayer, constantly staring at the horizon of God. It’s enough to look at him to find out, Francesc said.

We give him special thanks today for the fact that he was also a model of passionate devotion to studies, research and written and oral communication, and also for the fact that he has always combined his scientific research fully and harmoniously with faith and the service of the Church. Let us not forget that Benedict XVI continued his research and writing until the end of his pontificate, the Pope emphasized.

Francis recalls that while still in office, Benedict XVI also finished a trilogy about Jesus and “by doing so left us with a unique personal testimony of his constant search for the face of the Lord.”

– This is the most important of all the searches that he continued in prayer. It inspires and encourages us. Francis said: We assure him of our remembrance and our prayers before the Lord.

Krzysztof Bronk wrote on vaticannews.va about yesterday’s ceremony related to the Ratzinger Prize, drawing attention to Francis’ words addressed to the winners. The Pope noted that this award is rightly named after his predecessor, and that this celebration is an appropriate occasion to reassure Benedict XVI of our love, appreciation and admiration.

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Francesc presented the Ratzinger Prizes to last year’s winners, the French philosopher Professor. Jean-Luc Marion and Australian theologian Professor. Tracy Rowland. It was not possible to hold a celebration last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Prize winners were also honored in 2021 – German scientists: Prof. Jill Falkovitz (philosopher of religion and religious scholar, editor of the works of Edith Stein and Roman Guardini) and Professor. Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger (Biblical theologian, expert on Song of Songs).

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