The recording was posted on TikTok by @thehalalham. The creator of the video was about to drive past a property when he came across a half-naked man sitting in a trash can filled with water. The debate began between registration and registration.

When asked if he was satisfied with the weather, the man in the litter replied: “Yes, I’m not allowed?”

You are sitting in the trash Registrar’s response.

– If you want to fight, be a man and come here – replied the registered defendant. “He has the right to swim in his own basket on the hottest days in England,” he added. On Tuesday, temperatures in the UK reached 40C.

See also: Heat records across Europe. 40°C in Great Britain

In the following minutes of the film, the discussion becomes more tense. In the end, the recorder approaches the man in the basket and challenges him to a fight. The registered person threatens to “go his nose down his throat”, but when he does, he falls out of the basket and the water spills on the floor.

Netizens are wondering whether the movie is a parody or not. Despite this, the recording is gaining more and more popularity on the Internet, and the unconvinced appreciate the “acting” and “authenticity” of the man being recorded. They have been viewed on TikTok more than 2 million times, and on Twitter – more than a million.

One commenter wrote: “He’s the most beautiful British man I’ve ever seen.”

Let him enjoy its coffee and tonic (basket and tonic instead of gin and tonic – editor) in peace ”- writes another.

However, some users admit that they handled the heat in a similar way, and that the man’s behavior is not at all unusual. More photos and videos about “cooling” in baskets of water are appearing on social media.

Three times in one day in the UK on a Tuesday The highest temperature recorded in the history of measurements. afternoon thermometers showed in Coningsby, Lincolnshire, eastern England 40.3 degrees Celsius. Previously, more than 40 degrees Celsius were recorded at Heathrow Airport.

In recent days, heat records have also been broken in Scotland (34.8°C) and Wales (37.1°C).

The result of the unprecedented heat wave is the presence of a very large number of fires. The situation is particularly difficult in the outskirts of London, where in the late afternoon firefighters extinguished 10 fires simultaneously in different parts of the city. Mayor of the British capital Sadiq Khan Describe the situation as critical She reported that while the London Fire Department receives 300-350 calls for help on a typical day, there were 1,600 calls by late Tuesday afternoon.

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