The Ministry of Education and Science reminds that in accordance with the Regulation of December 13, 2021 on the temporary restriction of the work of units of the education system in connection with the prevention, control and control of COVID-19, until January 9, 2022, the entire country is limited, public and private: primary and secondary schools, continuing education institutions, vocational training centers, as well as Technical schools and technical institutions.

“As previously announced, on January 10, 2022, students will return to study on a full-time basis” – The Ministry of Education indicated in a statement posted on its website. It was noted that students from all types of schools are returning to full-time education.

“Ensuring safety – with optimal learning conditions – and concern for health, including mental health, are the priority objectives of both the Minister of Education and Science and the entire educational environment. We recommend that all schools and facilities intensify activities in the field of health safety. It is very important from the point of view of teacher safety. and students and their families ”- reads the statement.

She noted that the next significant impact on slowing the spread of disease caused by successive mutations of the coronavirus is: compliance with current legal regulations regarding restrictions, orders and bans; Following the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and the Chief of the Public Health Inspectorate for primary and secondary schools; Update and disseminate the internal regulations or procedures for the functioning of the school during the outbreak of the epidemic and disseminate them among students and parents, taking into account the privacy of the institution, including the implementation of extracurricular activities.

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“We would like to remind you of the need to organize school work in such a way as to keep the distance between people residing in the school yards, especially in public places, as well as to limit the accumulation of students on the school premises. It has the ability to maintain a distance, and students must respect this obligation. In the near future, schools will again be equipped with personal protective equipment– MEiN reported.

She recalled that the obligation to cover the nose and mouth in public places was regulated in the Cabinet Regulation issued on May 6, 2021 regarding setting some restrictions, orders and bans in relation to the epidemic.

“We recommend that you use current safety recommendations and remind you to continue to disseminate information about vaccination (to both school staff and students) as the most effective form of response to COVID-19. Education activities to promote health and physical activity and the role of vaccination in daily life should now be a permanent component of the work of the school” – The Ministry of Education indicated.

In the announcement, MEiN encourages preschool, primary and secondary school teachers to Use of vaccination education materials Available on the Ministry’s website.

“In case of additional questions or doubts regarding vaccinations for children and adolescents, administrators and parents can find more information on the website, on profile # SzczepimySię, as well as on helpline number 989” – it was announced.

It has also been reported that The start and end dates of winter holidays in each province remain unchanged In the academic year 2021/2022. According to the calendar of the academic year, the period of rest from January 17 to 30 applies to students from the following districts: Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Lubuskie, Małopolskie, Świętokrzyskie, Wielkopolskie; January 24 to February 6 of the voivodships: Podlaskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie; From January 31 to February 13 of the following counties: Dolnośląskie, Mazowieckie, Opolskie, Zachodniopomorskie; From February 14 to 27 from the following regions: Lubelskie, ódzkie, Podkarpackie, Pomorskie, ląskie.

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“We would like to remind you that the Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Head of the Health Inspectorate, has prepared guidelines for organizers of winter holidays for children and youth in the school year 2021/2022,” he added.

Guidelines for winter holiday organizers for children and young adults are available on the MEiN website.