The absorbent materials used to protect electronic devices are more effective if the graphite used in them is replaced by graphene, which significantly reduces the level of reflected microwave radiation – the co-authors of the publication in Energies proved.

As indicated on the website of the Military University of Technology, the first author of the article Prof. Roman Kubacki, absorbers that absorb the energy of the incident electromagnetic field are commonly used in EMC related applications.

This compatibility means that a properly working electrical or electronic device should not emit disturbances in the electromagnetic field, i.e. interfere with the correct operation of other devices operating in the same electromagnetic environment. Where the device is used is determined by the level and nature of disturbances caused by objects that intentionally (eg radio, television or radio transmitters) or accidentally (eg household appliances) emit electromagnetic waves.

“A good absorber should absorb the energy of the incident microwave radiation to a greater extent and reflect the incident radiation as little as possible. The problem is that commonly used absorbers are based on graphite. Graphite absorbs microwaves well, but a very large part of this radiation is reflected. The use of graphene. Reduces significantly from the level of reflected microwave radiation ”- explains Prof. Kubacki, quoted on the university’s website.

Microwave energy reflection coefficient is an important parameter of absorption used as protection of electronic devices from damage to such devices in strong microwave fields.

The comparison of the reflective properties of microwave radiation of a layer of graphite and graphene used to protect electronic devices was carried out by scientists from the Faculty of Electronics of the Military University of Technology: A. Doctor Hebb. M. Roman Kobaki, Dr. Inoue. Rafay Przemecki and Doctor Love. M. Dariusz Laskowski and researcher at the Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Dr. Ludwika Lipinska.

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An article published in the journal Energies describes measurements confirming that graphite reflects more microwave energy (more than 90%), a disadvantage compared to the graphene layer (only 80%). In addition, this percentage has been reduced to 70 percent. The result of the standing wave phenomenon in this article.

Source article: “Comparison of the microwave reflection of graphite and low graphene oxide used to protect electronic devices” can be found over here.

PAP – Science in Poland, Karolina Duszczyk

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