Much of the crop is not suitable for outside. However, this does not mean that the more exciting elements should remain invisible to the eyes. There are tons of tools that allow you to quickly digitize and capture “treasures” from the museum. Correctly rendered high-quality photos give the impression of being close to an authentic gallery. Of course, digital materials will still have to be placed on a dedicated medium – an outdoor gallery wall. How do they differ from their counterparts in the interiors of halls and corridors? The experts from Omega System focus on increasing stability and resistance to external factors. Mainly weather, but not only. If the exhibition is to last several weeks or several months, then the paintings should not fade or otherwise be damaged. Everything should look neat and legible.

The key to obtaining the desired effects is to use screens made of materials with suitable properties. For example, aluminum composite panels ensure high strength and stability. After professional processing, they also add aesthetic value. Attractive framed panels attract the eyes of passers-by. Then it just depends on the content whether the interest can be kept longer and encouraged to read the material presented in full. In general, people are visual learners, which means proportions need to be skillfully balanced between textual descriptions and graphic materials. On the page You can see many examples of modern compositions for display board. It’s also worth considering additional elements – like lighting, so that the gallery is available all the time, not just in sunlight on a clear day.

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