Recently, many Youtube videos have appeared promoting League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Wild Rift is the mobile version of League of Legends that has gained popularity very quickly. Besides the premiere, there were also sponsored movies by popular YouTubers. Among them is an article from Gonciarz “What PLAYERS LEAGUE OF LEGENDS don’t say”.

And he might not have caused much excitement, were it not for some of the scenes in the movie and the information that the entire episode “was made in cooperation with Riot Games”.

‘Desa’s love’

The Gonciarz movie is designed to woo League of Legends players and show Wild Rift at the same time. Interestingly, there were some very clear references to Dis, which had nothing to do with LoL for quite some time. However, the Riot community often uses the acronym that bears its title.

Remember Twitch was giving warnings to broadcast screens for this two-letter abbreviation and referring to Dis in a negative way. So some were surprised by the appearance of such scenes in the Gonciars article:

Perhaps the film should have been approved by the agency that deals with Wild Rift and League of Legends. It is therefore not surprising that Facebook players have noticed this. On the topic of Disa, there was also information about how Wild Rift was promoted in Poland in general, for example with Jasia Dąbrowski’s movie. Instead, comments on the official profile clarify the players’ attitude towards it.

Of course, it is an exaggeration to claim that Riot endorses insults or ridicule. Chances are, it’s just the decisions of the advertising agency and its partners. The theme has to be adapted to the scenes and in the case of Krzysztof Gonciarz it is.

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Likewise with Jasia Dąbrowski, these are challenges that end in Wild Rift. However, the game seems relatively late, because in the seventh minute, a lot of people interested in LoL simply don’t get to it.