The principal of the primary school in Szczenik also stresses that there are many questions that require an urgent answer. he is called:

  • – will people with disabilities be able to come to school and will it be possible to conduct fixed lessons with them, because they were allowed during the previous distance learning;
  • – whether the kindergarten department of the school will work these days, because it has been working lately;
  • – whether activities aimed at compensating and supporting children and adolescents in returning to school within the framework of the state support program will be suspended from December 20 to 22, or whether they will be carried out on a constant basis, since this is what the conditions of the program provide;
  • – How about taking care of the children who always needed it;
  • – Whether students from league sports departments or league sports schools will be able to complete their fixed hours.

The questions don’t stop there. Grażyna Chudy refers to the problem of students with disabilities, students with indications of special education, as well as those who have problems with the Internet, because they may come to school during the previous period of distance learning. They were taken care of by teachers and were attached to the school.

– During the previous distance learning, the school also held remedial and remedial classes, speech therapy and other remedial classes. If the regulation provides for the conduct of such classes, then they will be held in the school – explains the principal of the primary school in Gaworzyce.

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He assures that the school will be ready for that.

– Teachers will conduct remote classes from the school. Because when we’re at school, we can also respond quickly in case of technical problems – he says.

Without studying on January 7th? It depends

The doubts of some parents may also relate to the so-called main working days, that is, the working days chosen during the school year, during which the school does not conduct educational and educational activities. Their number is strictly limited and depends on the type of school. Thus: the principal of a primary school may appoint up to 8 days off, the principal of a general secondary school and a technical secondary school up to 10 such days, the principal of industrial schools of the first and second class, post-secondary schools and institutions of practical education – up to 6 days, the principal of Private school preparing to work 4 days.

At the same time, care and education classes will be held in schools on these days. They are appointed by the principal in consultation with the Parents’ Council and announced by September 30th. Therefore, every parent who is wondering if these days will not be within the designated distance learning period, should check it themselves.

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In the case of schools interviewed by, this situation may apply to only one day.

– At the time, we did not expect any days for the director, except for January 7, which is the Friday after Epiphany. It was included in the school’s business plan in September. It will be a day off from classes. Therefore, unless the Minister of Education and Science decides otherwise in the regulation, childcare activities will be carried out – says Grażyna Chuda.

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– I can’t order the principal’s days now, because they are already allotted at the beginning of the school year and according to this plan, this day will be January 7. However, on other days, distance learning will be normal – says Anna Sosna.

However, for SP in Szczecinek January 7 will be a normal working day, of course remotely.

We are not planning a day off on January 7th. So, we will have a total of 7 working days of telecommuting – explains Rafai Stasik.