Life returns to normal through AfricaBut fears of the virus remain. France Press agency Reports:

“Things are getting back to normal, although they will never be the same before,” said relieved Petunia Masiko, relaxing in a bar in Soweto South Africa town.

Africa The coronavirus pandemic has survived relatively well in terms of infections and deaths, although its economies have been severely devastated.

While many countries are relaxing their Covid-19 measures and citizens dare to breathe easily, experts warn against letting the continent’s success descend into complacency.

There was so much celebration at The Black and White Lifestyle pub in Soweto on Friday as the first weekend of spring coincided with South Africa moving to its lowest level of lockdown.

South Africa, the hardest-hit country on the continent, has experienced one of the most severe lockdowns in the world.

“It was tough to stay for six months without socializing,” said Masiko, a 21-year-old engineering student dressed in a traditional Ndebele uniform.

But the virus measures were followed, as the temperatures of the masked revelers were checked at the entrance to the bar.

In hand, 26-year-old DJ Tiisetso Tenyane was happy playing in front of a live audience after months of live broadcasts.

He said, “I’ve been eager to play for the people again.”

He said that face masks are “the only remaining sign of a pandemic.”

In the rest of the African continent, daily life varies greatly between strict adherence to hygienic procedures and complete relaxation.

Football match in Soweto, South Africa.  The country's success in controlling the first wave of COVID-19 allowed it to almost completely reopen the economy, while watching for signs of the second wave.

Football match in Soweto, South Africa. The country’s success in controlling the first wave of COVID-19 allowed it to almost completely reopen the economy, while watching for signs of the second wave. Photo: Thimba Hadabi / Associated Press

– Back to our habits –

“We don’t care about Corona” Cote d’Ivoire Blinded by the microphones, President Alassane Ouattara said when he accepted a party official last month in front of thousands of people in apparent defiance of virus restrictions.

Although masks are still mandatory, this rule “is not respected anywhere or almost anywhere” in Ivory Coast, said a health worker, who requested anonymity.

“The hysteria has vanished and the state is not talking much about it anymore.”

in a Democratic Republic of the Congo The capital, Kinshasa, is still the norm in the Gombe residential area, which is the diplomatic and economic center of the city.

But in working-class societies, masks are pushed to the chin and people shake hands again.

For many, the last buzzword is “corona eza te”, which translates to “no corona” in the local lingala.

In West Africa Burkina FasoOsman Ouedraogo, 43, fish seller, said he could not wear a mask forever.

We tried to wear it every day but it was the authorities who set an example by acting as if the disease was over. So we will return to our habits. “

Nobody uses the handwashing station at the entrance to the Guillaume Traore restaurant in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina.

He said: “When you mention the customer, he is telling you that the Corona virus is not present.”

in a Chad And the GabonMany of them wear low-profile masks, covering only the mouth or chin, only to raise them in a hurry when they encounter the police.

In churches, mosques and markets, people flock to each other. However, the curfew remains in effect in the evening.

Mass at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Congo in Kinshasa.

Mass at Notre Dame de Congo Cathedral in Kinshasa. Photo: Arsene Mpiana / AFP / Getty Images

– ‘Be very careful’ –

In the mega Lagos One of the most populous countries in Africa NigeriaCivil servant Isiaka Okesanya said that now he regularly forgets to wear his mask.

“It is as if God helped us get rid of the disease. We no longer read about those big numbers of deaths.”

But Emmanuel Akineme, director of the real estate clinic in Lagos, said that “Corona virus is real and is still very much around us.”

Health Minister Osagi Ihaner said last week that while Nigeria’s daily infection numbers are trending downward, “unfortunately, we cannot rejoice or talk about success”.

Regional Director of the World Health Organization in Africa Machidisu Moeti He said the continent has escaped “the exponential spread of Covid-19 as much was feared at first”.

However John Nkengasung“We also have to be very careful not to overestimate any successes,” warned the director of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In West Africa SenegalLife has almost returned to normal since June.

This is in stark contrast to RwandaOne of the strictest lockdown measures remains in effect, and police are making arrests for “not wearing masks properly.”

in North Africa , Morocco, West, sunset It remains closed, particularly the economic capital of Casablanca, as large neighborhoods have been tightly closed.

A wedding in Nairobi attended by a few relatives, and it lasts only fifteen minutes.

A wedding in Nairobi attended by a few relatives, and it lasts only fifteen minutes. Photo: Simon Maina / AFP / Getty Images

East of Africa Kenya In the meantime, it is reopening its bars and allowing restaurants to sell alcohol again as infections decrease.

“We are the most vulnerable and fragile the moment we think we’ve won,” President Uhuru Kenyatta He said on Monday.

“If we win one battle against Covid-19, we are not winning the war yet.”

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