China spokesperson Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian He criticized the United States after Bloomberg News reported that the United States is pressuring allies to stop selling mainstream technology that is essential to the production of much of the world. Chips.

This is another example of the United States practicing coercive diplomacy by abusing it Energy A country with a technological hegemony. This is classic technological terrorism Zhao said.

This will only remind all countries of the dangers of technological dependence on the United States and cause them to become independent and independent at a faster pace – added.

American Officials Lobbying their Dutch counterparts to prevent ASML from selling some of their old deep UV lithography or DUV systems – says people familiar with the case in an interview with Bloomberg.

Washington is also trying to apply pressure JapanTo stop sending the same technology to Chinese chip makers – They add.

China is stockpiling equipment used since Trump

Chinese chip makers are hoarding equipment used since Trump He said Amir Anwarzadeh Unequal advisors.

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Clearly, banning more advanced tools wasn’t enough to stop China’s advances in semiconductors, especially since many of the chips used for defense engineering were much less sophisticated. – added.