The attendance rate for students in grades 1-3 in primary schools remains at 99.5% to 97.5%. – Minister of Education and Science Przemislav Kzarnik announced on Friday. He said these students do not infect their relatives, because if they did, they would be in quarantine.

The Minister of Education and Science was asked Friday via TVP Info about the epidemiological situation in grades 1-3 of primary schools and kindergartens.

“We have been monitoring the situation continuously since children from grades 1-3 thousand return to school. The percentage of centers that work with stationery remains about 97-98%. Only 2 to 3% of facilities out of 14.3 thousand do not. Work is stable, it works. Only remote or hybrid, ”said Kasarnik.

“When it comes to student attendance – that’s a very important statistic – it stays at 99.5 to 97.5 percent. So only 0.5 to 2.5 percent of students don’t go to school. After all, if students actually broadcast coronavirus, they are and the minister indicated that parents are Matters and family members will be sick with the Coronavirus, and they will be isolated and will be isolated by themselves, not in quarantine, but going to school.

“This is why we monitor the situation every day until 1 pm in all schools that are operating steady from January 18th, so that we pass this information on to our epidemiologists and virologists, so that it is taken into account” – noted the head of MEiN.

He called for the commentary on the epidemiological situation in schools to be based on complete data.

“Certainly, the situation is not the best. We are definitely entering the third wave. Community mobility has definitely increased after the restrictions were eased. Certainly there is no social responsibility as it was two or three weeks ago. What is happening in schools, but the monitoring in schools continues and looks very positive. – Czarnek Rating.

The Ministry of Education and Science announced, Friday, that in 13920 primary schools in grades 1-3, education was conducted on that day on a full-time basis, or 96.4 percent. elementary schools. In 112 elementary schools in grades 1-3, it was distance learning, and in 411 – coeducational.

The number of primary schools that students in grades 1-3 on Friday were studying in a non-full-time setting was the highest since January 18, when students from those years returned to school.

The board of directors decides about the transition of the school, nursery or preschool institution to another unstable mode of work, with the consent of Sanepid, after learning about the epidemic situation in the institution.

On January 18th, students in grades 1-3 from elementary and special schools, who were learning remotely from November 9, returned to full-time education. Students in grades four through eight of elementary and high schools learn remotely starting October 26.