When asked about the upcoming merger between the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education into one ministry, Education and Science Minister Przemislav Kzarnik said on Tuesday, there will be fewer deputy ministers, some departments will be merged, and others will be separate so far.

From January 1, 2020, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of National Education will be formally merged and replaced by one ministry – the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Minister of Education and Science, Przemislav Kzarnik, was asked Tuesday in the first program of the Polish Radio about this merger and its consequences for the work of offices and about where he will work as head of the new ministry – in the building of the Ministry of National Education or in the building of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

“As far as my office is concerned, nothing will change, I will be in Hoża and Szucha Streets, depending on what I will deal with. As for the departments, there are a few of them overlapping in the ministries, such as the Department of International Cooperation will be linked, and those that have an objective relationship with a particular ministry, With a certain department of government administration – because we must remember two departments of government administration: National Education, Science and Higher Education – will work separately, ”- answered Kazarank.

He also referred to the issue of whether the number of deputy ministers would change after the merger. “Yes, it will. I think it will go down from a total of 10 administrators to 8-7 people.” When asked about the deputy ministers he is talking about, he replied: “As it turns out, we will talk about it. So far they are all in the position.”

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The Department of the Ministry of National Education includes: Dariush Piontkovsky – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marzina Macchik – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government Commissioner for Supporting the Educational Function of Schools and Institutions, Inclusive Education and Vocational Training, and Maciej Kobe – Under Secretary of State.

The Department of Science and Higher Education consists of: Włodzimierz Bernacki – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government Commissioner for Monitoring the Implementation of Higher Education and Science Reform, Wojciech Murdzek – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anna Budzanowska – Under Secretary of State, and Grzegorz Wrochna – Under Secretary of State.

Both ministries are headed by Minister of Education and Science Przemislav Czarenk. (PAP)

Author: Danuta Starzyńska-Rosiecka

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