The third installment of the popular Platinum Games is undoubtedly one of the most awaited games for Nintendo Switch owners. However, there are several indications that we must be patient.
Bayonetta 3 is a very bustling and highly anticipated titleWe’ve been hearing about it for a long time. Unfortunately, despite the numerous reports (even the fact that We have been assured that we have nothing to worry about), It is still absurd to rely on even the smallest details of the brand’s continuity. Fans have been particularly motivated by information from last week, As if the game will appear in 2021.
Unfortunately, there are many indications that even if this materializes, We need to be patient. Hideki Kamiya, one of the main creators of the brand, gave a very interesting interview to the VGC portal. Gaming topics were discussed from the Platinum Gaming Suites – including, of course, the most important one for many, namely the Bayonetta 3. The man was very economical in words and It certainly cooled many people’s enthusiasm:
I understand this is driving the fans crazy! With that being said, maybe we should all reset and forget about Bayonetta 3. Then when something finally moves up that would be a nice surprise, right?
One can get the impression that the creator is a bit tired of constantly rotating the subject, although this is not surprising. Hopefully he just wanted to put aside any other questions about the project, that question still arises and we’ll see him sooner than you think. Keep waiting for this moment And we believe that everything is already heading in the right direction.
function statusChangeCallback(response, forced) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
// Logged into your app and Facebook.
FB.api('/me', function(response) {
if (forced == 1) {
console.log('Próba logowania przez przycisk');
} else {
console.log('Próba autologowania');
//fbAutoLogin(JSON.stringify(response), forced); });
} else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
// The person is logged into Facebook, but not your app.
console.log('Please log into this app.');
} else {
// The person is not logged into Facebook, so we're not sure if
// they are logged into this app or not.
console.log('Please log into Facebook.');
} }
// This function is called when someone finishes with the Login
// Button. See the onlogin handler attached to it in the sample
// code below.
function checkLoginState() {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
statusChangeCallback(response, 1);
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId: '113502828807977', // App ID
cookie: true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml: true, // parse social plugins on this page
version: 'v2.2' // use version 2.2
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
statusChangeCallback(response, 0);
// Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
function testAPI() {
// Load the SDK Asynchronously
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ref = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {
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ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref);
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