In recent months an Apple It has focused more than ever on privacy. This includes new privacy resources for Apple devices, a new privacy feature for tracking ads that will be rolling out soon, and app privacy tags for iOS.

You can see that the company is trying to do as much as possible so that the user can easily identify which data is being transferred to outside parties. This, in turn, puts Apple in conflict with other tech giants like The social networking site Facebook Or google.

Now Tips 9 will provide other tips that will allow you to have better control over our privacy on iPhone. The new information mainly relates to changes in the privacy settings of the smartphone. Not all of them are “flagships,” but users who are less likely to be seated in iPhone settings can certainly learn a lot with the new guides.

Information about the new privacy tips should be displayed on the iPhone screen if you have the Hints app installed. If not, you can download it for free from the AppStore. Then, after launching the app, go to the “Privacy” tab to find tips about, among other things

  • Sign in with an Apple For external applications;
  • Password creation automatically in iOS;
  • Advice on creating secure passwords;
  • Information when applications use the camera and / or microphone or photo library;
  • How can we share (or not) your approximate location;
  • How to check the privacy report in Safari.
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