ocher cut And tools found in Xiaochangliang, in Hebei Province, north China, indicate that clay soil pigment was processed there by grinding and stirring to obtain powders of different colors and grain sizes. Archaeologists found near blocks of ocher hammer stone and flat limestone slabwhich showed signs of blows. Scientists from Griffith University led by Professor F. Michael Petraglia dates the artifacts in 39-41 thousand. Years.

– This place doesn’t match anything we know. Professor said. Petraglia.

Archaeological site It also contains 382 pieces of stone toolsMade mainly of chert and quartz. These artifacts are the result of small pebbles colliding with the petals, resulting in blade-like tools. About 10 thousand years before the microlith technology – Specialized stone bladesIt is found in northern China, Russia and Japan.

This place was most likely inhabited by Homo sapiens, but The possibility of it being occupied by other hominins cannot be ruled outLike Denisovans and Neanderthals.

– Many crossings could have taken place and that is why we are dealing with populations that differed biologically and culturally 40,000 years ago – added the professor. Petraglia.

Ochra has previously been found at sites associated with Homo sapiens in Africa. In 2008, in a cave in South Africa A 100,000-year-old ocher processing workshop was discovered. Previous evidence indicated that modern humans first migrated from Africa to Eurasia about 60,000 years ago. The discovery of human remains in southern China dates back to 80,000-120,000. Years, this timeline has made a topic of debate.

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