Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Tuesday that “the evacuation of US forces from Afghanistan is expected to end on August 31, thereby cutting off speculation about talks with the White House. The topic of possible negotiations on extending the deadline was supposed to appear on the schedule.” The work of the Group of Seven summit.

Afghanistan. The Taliban give the United States an ultimatum. Pictured is Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid at a press conference Source: PAP, Newscom


“I think that’s very unlikely given the number of Americans that still have to be evacuated,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said on Monday.


If the US or the UK would like more time to continue the evacuation, the answer is no. Or there will be consequences – Shaheen warned in an interview with the British Sky News.

The White House has not yet spoken about this issue. But Reuters news agency reported on Tuesday that pressure was mounting on the Joe Biden administration to try to negotiate an extension. The topic is also scheduled to appear at the meeting of the leaders of the Group of Seven countries.

“The priority is to complete the evacuation of our citizens and the Afghans who have supported our efforts for the past 20 years,” said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson before the summit, who was personally persuading the US president to extend the US deadline. Troops to stay at Kabul airport.

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