Nvidia GeForce NOW is a great service for those who don’t intend to buy a gaming PC, but would like to learn about the new titles at the highest graphics settings. The game broadcast is now available from Google Chrome.

GeForce now with better and better availability

Nvidia started with GeForce Now Quite dynamic, and instantly, thanks to the new service, game streaming is available to everyone with a decent internet connection. Initially, availability was limited, but it will increase over time.

Over time, more traffic is added to the catalog of supported games, such as Between us, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla whether Cyberpunk 2077A few months ago it was possible to play through the browser Safari for iOS and iPadOS. The obstacles that can stand in the way of playing graphics-demanding titles on office equipment are now more melted away, because with the 2.0.27 feature update. , Google Chrome browser official support provided.

Play in the cloud without downloading any software

So far, you can open Google Chrome and log into GeForce NOW via play.geforcenow.com-You can freely play purchased games on Windows and macOS. Linux is not officially supported, which is not to say that the service will not run on the Linux version – it is not guaranteed.

It is true that we are still dealing with a feature in the beta version, but early users are satisfied with its operation. Since my GeForce NOW account is in the free version, it is difficult for me to verify that it is the 320th person on the game’s queue;)

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In addition to the above news, Nvidia informed About the introduction of Apple M1 processors in the latest GeForce NOW. Thanks to this, devices with the new ARM chip will also be able to freely release streams with games.