Princess Kate and Prince William will be staying temporarily at Balmoral. This is a special mission – the American couple is to warm the image of the kingdom and closer relations between England and Scotland.

Princess Kate I Prince William He will spend more time in Scotland. The American couple and their children will live in the castle Balmoral IW St Andrews.

Princess Kate and Prince William. Why would they stay in Scotland?

As reported by the Sunday Times, the aim of this special mission is to strengthen relations between England and Scotland.

Advisers want William and Kate (…) to look not like guests, but like residents – said one of the interviewers from Kensington Palace, where the couple currently lives.

In Scotland, local parliament elections were held on May 6. It was won by the Scottish National Party (SNP). London fears it is “losing Scotland”. The current head of the Scottish government, Nicola Sturgeon, has announced that a referendum on independence will be held in the second half of the newly elected parliament’s term. An independence referendum would enable Scotland to secede from Great Britain. However, such a referendum must be approved by the British government. Boris Johnson’s administration is working hard to prevent the Scots from withdrawing from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Scotland has been associated with Great Britain by a personal union (governor general) since 1707. However, separatist sentiments in Scotland are growing. In the independence referendum held in 2014, only 55 per cent of residents chose to remain in the UK.

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The government and the royal palace want to improve their image among the people of Scotland and persuade them to stay in the UK. For this purpose, the ducal couple of Cambridge were elected, in the name of William and تم Kate Here they met while studying at the University of St AndrewsBoth have a master’s degree in Scottish Arts.

last december Prince William He and his wife traveled to Scotland. Then William emphasized how important this country was to him and Kate. He described her as “energetic, friendly, innovative and assertive”.

This place shaped me. William said of Scotland that the enduring connection I feel to him is rooted in my daily experiences with people, relationships, and the ethic of the neighbourhood.

As the Sunday Times confirms, the royal guests were greeted coldly by the authorities.

The Royal Palace is based on a better picture, hence the idea for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to live in Balmoral.

Will the special mission succeed? How will the Scots accept the princely couple?

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