Currently, the sun spot Almost three times the size of the Earth. In the near future, it may send out flares that have a “strength” of the middle class (class M).

international Space Weather Forecasting Centerwhich, among other things, monitors solar flares, and has not issued any warnings lately.

During the past spring, the sun was particularly active, which has been associated with increase in activity In an 11-year cycle. Then our star sent out many middle class and strongest torches.

– yesterday Sun Spot AR3038 That was great. Today is huge. The fast-growing spot doubled in size in just 24 hours, said Tony Phillips, author of

Temperature difference between the sunspot and the surface the sun It is so large that you have the impression that the spots are black. The temperature of the spots ranges from 3000 to 4000 degrees Celsius, while the surface temperature of the star is about 5000 degrees Celsius.

The spot has a low temperature and a strong magnetic field. They usually appear in pairs, with opposite magnetic polarity. The structures are usually about 1,000 kilometers deeper than their circumference.

in sunspots Two zones can be distinguished, i.e. shade (ombre) and semi-shade, which differ in temperature (cooler shade). Small structures without darkness are sometimes called solar seasons.

The number of spots is related to the intensity of solar radiation – the more areas of this type on the Sun, the lower the radiation.

These structures are formed due to the decrease in the density of the solar plasma, which is related to changes in the magnetic field, which stop getting pregnant (hot plasma lift).

The number of spots appearing has been recorded since 1849.

Solar flare is it Violent expulsion of matterWhich releases enormous energy comparable to the power of the explosion of millions of atomic bombs.

These phenomena emit strong radiationthat may directly threaten the Earth by disrupting, among other things, wireless communications on our planet, or the supply of electricity. Flares often appear alongside sunspots. They likely arise from the fusion of magnetic fields in these structures.

Flares can affect Earth’s magnetosphere It can put space stations and satellites at risk. In addition, it may appear simultaneously coronal mass ejection (CME), which cause geomagnetic storms that can in turn damage the power grid.

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