Orange quietly closed two international telephone exchanges. They are becoming redundant because all voice traffic is now transmitted over the Internet.

In the 90s, it was the height of modern technology and it was opened with a pump. Today, international telephone exchanges are quietly a thing of the past because they are no longer needed. for this reason Orange Polska has just closed its international headquarters in Katowice and Warsaw.

According to Logsich Jabchinsky, a spokesperson for the orange operator, It took five years to prepare for the decommissioning of these facilities. As a result, in April 2022, it was possible to send the international headquarters into retirement EMNA Warsaw.

It was Poland’s first digital exchange built in 1990. At its peak, in 2014/2015, it served 75 foreign operators from 49 countries and processed 35 thousand. simultaneous connections.

– A spokesperson for Orange Polska wrote on the blog

Orange, Nowogrodzka مقر headquarters

In turn, in May, Orange discontinued the switchboard EMNA Katowice. The facility, launched in 1995, during the maximum traffic (2014), served 14 thousand. Calls with 51 foreign operators calling from 31 countries.

All traffic from closed headquarters in Warsaw and Katowice It is now done online (VoIP).

It is not only modern and of better quality, but also offers significant energy savings. Annually, we use 50 kW less, which translates to a reduction in the emission of 500 tons of CO22 annually.

– Wojciech Jabczyński . added

Orange owns the working international headquarters, the smaller one. EMNA Poznan It provides services such as international directory inquiries and international calls.

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Image credit: shutterstock, orange

Text source: Orange