There are many indications that Halo Infinite is taking the right shape. The time has come, because the wait for the premiere has been long overdue.

Halo Infinite testing in progress. They are optimistic

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the Halo series is one of the most popular series in the gaming world. It also has a reputation that Halo Infinite can greatly tarnish. As a result of a huge wave of criticism from the first presentations, the creators decided to postpone the premiere. So it is hoped that the dark scenario will not eventually materialize. This is a growing hope.

The first and most comprehensive technical tests have begun. The people who gained access to it were not prevented from sharing the recorded information and materials with a wider audience. It has been featured, among other things, by Tom Warren, editor of The Verge who contributes passionately to social media.

It showed a lot, including the gameplay from the PC version. He also adds, use equipment with a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti graphics card and a game processor Intel Core i9-11900 K. Halo Infinite is also coming to current and previous Xbox consoles. What can you count on with these platforms? This is the answer, although not the definitive answer, given by two other Xbox Series X and Xbox One game videos.

Gameplay z Halo Infinite on PC

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How to play z Halo Infinite on Xbox Series X i Xbox One

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When is the premiere date for Halo Infinite?

As at least some people remember, Halo Infinite was supposed to be one of the games that launched on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. However, nothing came of it, and when the premiere delay was announced, only 2021 was mentioned. If everything is on track now, we may have a more definite date in the near future. Are you waiting? It is worth noting that the multiplayer game will be offered in a free-to-play mode.

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Source: Tom Warren