It has been known for many years that seismic waves travel faster between the poles than at the equator. This is called seismic anisotropy. Now, however, researchers using computer simulations have discovered the possible reason for this. As it turns out, the inner core of the Earth It grows a little faster on the one hand – It was probably half a billion years ago. According to seismologists from the University of California, Berkeley, there is no need to worry, because faster growth of the core under the indonesia does not mean heels – gravity is spread evenly and the entire internal structure is maintained at a stable growth of 1 mm per year. But on the other hand, a larger increase on one side means that something in the outer core or mantle under Indonesia “takes” heat from the inner core faster than the other side (under Brazil).

According to Daniel Frost, a seismologist at the University of California, the movement of liquid iron in the outer core takes heat from the inner core and causes the core to freeze. This means that the outer core somehow It “takes” more heat from the east side (under Indonesia) than in the west (under Brazil). For now, this is only the first step to unraveling this mystery – according to Frost, it is influenced by many factors, including the fact that every layer of Earth’s cover affects the layer below and above it. At the moment, researchers ask such questions and are just beginning their analyzes, only in the context of the magnetic field and possible changes in this field.

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Photo: Maren Lasplace

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