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social network Facebook social networking site Banning the official account of the former president on January 7 United States of America Donald Trumpawho praised the attack and rioting on the Capitol the day before. The portal reconsidered its decision and issued a statement.

Given the seriousness of the circumstances that led to Trump’s account suspension, we believe his actions constitute a serious violation of our rules, which deserve the maximum penalty available under the new enforcement protocols. We are suspending his accounts for two years starting from the initial suspension date on January 7 this year 7

Nick Clegg wrote in a statement on FridayFacebook Vice President of Global Affairs.

Facebook cuts off Trump. Expert: The decision was right, maybe it’s too late

Facebook may delete Donald Trump’s account

Facebook social networking site He also explained that at the end of the specified period, he would reassess whether the risk to public security had decreased with the help of experts. If the platform sees fit, the lock may be extended.

On the other hand, if Donald Trump’s account is opened within two years, Facebook will closely monitor the following posts of the former president. United States of America. In the case of repeated violations of the regulations, Facebook may apply more “sanctions”, including permanent account deletion – Nick Clegg announced in a statement.

Donald Trump has stuck with Snapchat.  Website permanently deletes their accountDonald Trump has stuck with Snapchat. Website permanently deletes their account

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Facebook: Trump praised the riots at the Capitol

The attack by Donald Trump supporters on the Capitol occurred on January 6, 2021. Five people were killed in the riots. A day later, Trump praised the riots in his Facebook posts. Facebook has deleted his entries and the account has been banned.

After these events, YouTube temporarily suspended the official account of Donald Trump. By contrast, Snapchat and Twitter He decided to ban the account of the former president permanently.