Dear user!

In connection with visiting our websites, we may process your IP address, cookies and similar data on user or device activity. You will be notified of the purposes of this processing separately in order to obtain your consent. If this data allows you to identify you, it will be further treated as personal data in accordance with the 2016/679 European Parliament and Council Regulation (GDPR).

The person responsible for this data, the purposes of processing and the reasons for it, in addition to other information required by the GDPR can be found in the privacy policy at this link.

If you also use other services available through our websites, we also process your personal data provided when creating an account, registering for events, or requesting subscriptions, newsletters, alerts, and online services (including featured areas, reports, ratings, Or reprint licenses).

Those responsible for this personal data, the purposes and bases for processing and other information required by the GDPR can also be found in the privacy policy at this link. The data collected for different services may be processed for different purposes, on different grounds and by different data controllers.

Remember that with regard to the processing of personal data, you have a number of guarantees and rights, and above all the right to object to the processing of your data. We will strictly respect these rights. So if you do not agree with our assessment of the necessity of processing your data or have other objections in this regard, be sure to submit an objection or send your objections to us at [email protected].

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Board of Directors PTWP-ONLINE Sp. Zoo