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Sopot: Up to 260 projects in the civilian budget. “Buy air rifles and learn how to shoot for students”

Residents have submitted as many as 260 ideas for Sopot’s civilian budget. Requests will be verified until June 4th. Voting is scheduled for September. The city will allocate a total of 4 million PLN to the implementation of the winning proposals. Once again, the residents surprised us with their ingenuity. I am very happy with their civic activity and I hope that this large number of requests are due to the consequences of carrying out the tasks from the previous versions – commented Jacek Karnowski, President of the resort. Some designs can be considered very surprising.

Sopot: Civic budget 2021 with up to 260 applications!

A list of the projects presented this year can be found at website. Among the 260 proposals are, among other things, first aid training, a new ambulance for Sopot WOPR, a combined public transport ticket and SKM, a free voucher for two cultural and sporting events, and even a free taxi ride in Sopot for all residents over the age of 65. Years old.

Many ideas relate to creating new places of rest and recreation as well as developing green areas, ecology and environmental protection. It proposes, inter alia, the construction of new litter boxes in Malczewskiego, Chodowieckiego, Moonowa, Okręcna and 23 Marca Streets, the installation of a municipal waste collection system that eliminates bad odors, and the construction of graduation towers.

There are a few other projects that relate to the construction or modernization of streets, sidewalks, buildings and urban spaces, such as the revitalization of Sopocka Harcówka, the renovation of Mieszka I Street, and the renovation of the Jewish cemetery. Initiatives also include activities to increase the safety of the population, for example by installing surveillance devices, traffic lights and additional lights. A program was also introduced to support the mental health and well-being of the population. A Healthy Head After Crisis, which includes a series of 10 webinars and consultations for people suffering from stress.

It was also proposed to purchase 40 air rifles and learn how to shoot students. – One of the most important elements in building national security is the ability to use weapons. Until the 1990s, students in all elementary and high schools had the opportunity to learn how to fire airguns – The applicant justified.

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Each application will now undergo official verification. The final list of eligible voting proposals will be published by June 30th. The vote will take place between 6 and 20 September. The total amount of the civilian budget for 2022 is 4 million PLN – 2 million PLN for citywide tasks and local initiatives.

Sopot was the first city in Poland that decided to put some of its money at the disposal of its residents. The resort introduced a participatory budget in 2011, although it was not without resistance from the authorities at the time. The idea was promoted by an informal group of residents gathered in the Sopot Development Initiative, which, during the local elections in 2010, convinced the newly elected councilors of this idea, and made the appropriate decisions.

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