Piotr Kędzierski and Kuba Wojewódzki every Monday at 20:00 on Onet, speaking to the guests they invite. The first episode featured Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan, who accepted the vision with Wojewódzki, and later hosted journalists Wojciech Bojanowski and Michał Żebrowski. Now Tomasz Terlikowski has accepted the invitation to the studio. Wojewódzki and Kędzierski referred to his five children: Mikołaj, Zofia, Jan and Maria, whose mother is the wife of journalist Małgorzata. It turns out they got into arguments with him and as he confirmed on air, I walked in and hit my dad straight in the eye.. Terlikowski thinks it helps a lot.

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Tomas Terlikowski in the podcast “WojewódzkiKędzierski” about his children

Kuba Wojewódzki took up the topic and asked if these were arguments based on Christian education.

Thomas Terlikowski replied. Wojewódzki asked if the journalist had created a space for children to be atheists. “My children make decisions independently. The youngest, it is quite clear at first, the vision of the world that their parents represent. However, my kids know very well that they can argue with us– explained the guest, then added:

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The philosopher recognized that children can go in different directions and asserted that the world creates opportunities for them to atheism.

– explained Tomasz Terlikowski. If they were believers, they would not want it to be a revival of Tradition, but an encounter with the living Christ.

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