Is Janusz Christa impersonating “Asteriks i Obeliks?” How many “Kajko i Kokosz” comics have been sold so far and what caused most of the problems with their adaptation? On February 28, the animated series “Kajko i Kokosz” will be shown on Netflisk. Ewelina Gordziejuk and director Michał ledziński.

Matthews Demsky: You grew up with Janusz Krista comics?

Ś Lidzinsky’s fringes: I was born in 1978, so I also got acquainted with the adventures of Kajko and Kokosz published in “”wiat Młod” magazine. But the most important comedy movie in this series for me has always been “Flying School.” My grandmother bought me this album, and I was sick at the time and said that I would never be bored with it. It was actually the second comic that I saw in my life. The first was “Capitan Speck”.

Later on, this fascination with comics arose within me, at the end of the 1980s, “Funky Koval” and “Thorgal” with Grzegorz Rosiński graphics were already prevalent, but the truth is that it all started with Janusz Christy and Jerzy Wróblewski, but also Szarlota Pawel is responsible for the adventures of “Jonka, Jonek and the Kleks”. So the fact that my career path is related to comics and the fact that I publish in the press is due to the fact that I have been reading this “flying school” among other things.