According to the plans, the ban on advertising promoting meals high in fat, salt or sugar will apply from 5:30 to 21:00. Applicable to all companies employing more than 250 people.

This particular requirement is to protect small businesses, and the obesity problem is of secondary importance here. However, the problem is serious, and it is caused mainly by large companies and fast food chains.

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Experts have sounded the alarm: in the UK, one in three children who leave primary school is overweight or obese. Related health complications cost the Health Service £7 billion a year.

Joe Churchill of the Department of Health explained Thursday that “the content young people see online has an impact on their choices and habits.”

Meanwhile, according to data provided by the British government, nearly half of TV advertisements each month in 2019 were for unhealthy foods.

The government’s plans have apparently faced criticism from British publishers News and Media Association, who say the link between advertising and childhood obesity is unclear.

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