On March 27, a helicopter carrying guides and visitors on a helicopter ski trip north of Anchorage collided with the mountain and then rolled several hundreds of meters, killing the pilot and four of the five passengers.

Among those killed in the accident was billionaire Peter Kilner, the richest man in the Czech Republic. Other victims include tour guide Gregory Harms, Czech Resident Benjamin La Rochex, two Alaskans, Sean McManani, and 33-year-old pilot Zachary Russell. The disaster occurred 80 kilometers from Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska.

The helicopter carried passengers as part of a helicopter expedition – an extreme sport that involves downhill skiing on unspecified roads, where skiers arrive with the help of a helicopter.

Debris found on the Knick Glacier at an altitude of about 6 thousand. Introduced, returned to Palmer in a safe place, said NTSB Alaska’s Clint Johnson. He added, “We are waiting for a team of six to eight people to work on it and carry out other activities throughout the next week.”

Johnson said there are also two helicopter companies en route to Alaska. The first is the representative of the manufacturer of helicopters, Airbus, and the second is the representative of the manufacturer of the engines, the Safran helicopter engines.

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“There are many things that need analysis when it comes to investigating an accident,” Johnson said. He added that one of the keys is, of course, the ability to examine the wreckage with specialists.

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