Residents of Szczecin, especially residents of Warsaw, can see the concept of the park on Złotowska Street (one of SBO’s winning projects).

Before the concept was created, a whole series of activities were required, such as: tree inventory, geotechnical testing including determination of the composition and condition of the bridge layers or soil testing for particle size composition.

The hitherto undeveloped space was planned to be transformed into a green oasis. The project provides, among others:

  • Maximum preservation of existing self-seeding of trees and shrubs
  • Plant at least 200 trees, taking into account the species that form the food base of insects, birds and butterflies
  • Insect hotels and butterfly houses
  • A rain garden that collects water from runoff
  • A space for quiet rest
  • balcony view
  • Land reserve for supply point

Among the 200 trees, there are:

  • 23 small-leaved linden
  • 3 pieces of willow
  • 27 pieces of cherry plum
  • 21 cherry plums
  • 41 pieces of horse chestnut
  • 34 pieces of elm
  • 12 Norway Maple
  • 39 Gray Alder
  • 7 Douglas fir
  • 6 pieces Scotch pine
Source: Łukasz Kadłubowski / Facebook

You can follow all the news about the project here.

Author: [email protected]

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